2016 in review
2016 has been an eventful year in many, many ways. I don't want to dwell on big global topics in this post, but review what I got up to.
## Writing
{% assign 2016posts = site.posts | where:"date","2016" %} In 2016, I wrote approximately {{ 2016posts.size }} articles, blog posts and tutorials.
The most popular on my Medium account was '[A documentation crash course](https://hackernoon.com/a-documentation-crash-course-45006a85c15c#.790b6ze0w)', closely followed by '[Making Atom even more awesome](https://hackernoon.com/making-atom-even-more-awesome-my-setup-e7a89969a876#.s2yhf3joo)' and '[Tech your privilege at the door](https://hackernoon.com/tech-your-privilege-at-the-door-5d8da0c41c6b#.eemgzrjyd)' (which was only published a week ago)....