I've worked with dozens of clients over the past 10 years. Small to large and spread across multiple industries. If you're looking for technical or creative text, audio, or video creation or editing:
SitePoint is a hub for web developers to share their passion for building incredible Internet things. Founded by Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz in 1999, SitePoint is for web professionals, by web professionals: developers, designers, programmers, product creators and entrepreneurs alike. I worked as a writer, reviewer and editor of the mobile channel for three years.
Sqreen is a protection platform for web applications. Sqreen instantly detects and blocks malicious requests and identifies which user accounts are performing the attacks. I wrote tutorials and articles on security topics for the users of the platform, and overhauled their documentation.
OverOps tells you when and why code breaks in production. Takipi is their blog covering Java, Containers and other technologies. I contributed articles to the blog on a regular basis.
TechBeacon is an HPE Software initiative that focuses on information that really matters for competing effectively in business without compromising on editorial integrity. Their editorial mission is simple: to connect our readers to the leading experts who understand what it takes to succeed. I contribute article to the site on a regular basis covering a variety of topics.
Weave creates software to help developers and DevOps professionals work with and manage their distributed applications. I helped with blog posts, landing pages and whitepapers.