Payment and Production blocks, Favicons and more

Payment and Production blocks, Favicons and more

Quite a lot of small updates, tweaks and additions to the various Gregarious Mammal sites, here they are.

Contribution blocks

If you like what I am doing and the projects I am undertaking, you can contribute what you feel to the projects. At the moment I am taking PayPal and BitCoin. I want to add more payment options as soon as possible but there are few payment processors that support ‘pay what you feel’ models, they all require actual ‘products’. You may also notice some Amazon referral links to items I am reading / watching for research. Everything is welcome and all helps.

Trello / Production update blocks

You will now notice a small block in the bottom left that shows the latest Trello cards I have moved to ‘done’ for the relevant project. I used a customised version of the Trello Views Backend module and Trello module. A bonus of setting this up means that I don’t have to mention every single update I make in blog posts and it ensures that I put all tasks to do into Trello. In the future I may add recent git commits, but I’m not sure if that’s necessary.

As a consequence of adding several blocks to the main sidebar I decided to tidy its width and size. It’s now much tidier, but still needs some more work.

Article pages

For some reason, article titles were missing on page layouts, so I brought them back and tweaked the layouts of other fields to fit.


The Chip Shop and Gregarious Mammal websites now have favicons! Bow to their awesomeness.

Mailing list blocks

You can sign up to mailing lists! I don’t think that needs any more explanation, but does mean I need to start writing some email newsletters.

The Lean Traveller merged into Gregarious Mammal

For various reasons (some to be announced in my next blog post) I decided to merge the Lean Traveller site / blog into the Gregarious Mammal site as a writing section only. I came to the conclusion that at this point the blog is just a blog and maintaining a second site was a waist of my time. This way I can focus on the content and polishing the main Gregarious Mammal site instead of another (similar) site.