Illustrating One Day the World Ended

Illustrating One Day the World Ended

After visiting the Tate Modern over Christmas and seeing these two images (I’ve forgotten the artist):

Illustrated Book

Illustrated Book

I came up with the idea of having illustrations accompanying the text in ODTWE. I’m not the best illustrator, but enjoy drawing and have been pondering on what form these illustrations could take and looking into inspiration for them.

So today I took a trip to the monthly free day at Leipzig’s Museum of Modern Art to get some ideas and inspiration.

Here are my notes and visual doodling:

Visual Doodling

Visual Doodling

I doubt you can read or see much there, so here are some of my ideas summarised.

  • Various images of recurring themes in images of Jesus such as Stigmata, a Crown of Thorns, a Beard, a Forlorn look, his robe and bare feet. Occasionally you see a halo, wounds in his side and blood.
  • Explorations on different styles I could experiment with such as Grotesque, Exaggeration, Over Simplification, Vague shapes, Rigidity, Collage and Abstraction.

Overall I want images that not only match the themes and stories but have an element of me and the current era and culture in them. To me this currently means:

  • Uncertainty
  • Distance
  • The Enemy Within

But I’m not sure if any of those concepts suit the style of the text.

These are just ideas right now and I have a few other paths to investigate.