Drupal Melbourne Meetup Nov 2013

Drupal Melbourne Meetup Nov 2013

A great session tonight with two case studies from local Drupal shops…

ACCA and content hubs from Monkii

Monkii work strongly with UX personas, building profiles of potential users before embarking on web projects, with the relaunch of the ACCA site, content hubs were built to suit explorers and first timers to sites, they have a rough idea of what they are looking for, but only broadly.

Here’s an example - www.accaonline.org.au/learn

They help guide a site visitor to where you want them to go and utilise ‘meta’ content types for highlighting ‘real content’.

On a technical level the site uses:

  • Custom colours through the colorfield modules, this is to allow content editors to create colour schemes per section.
  • Dynamic style sheets that are loaded as and when needed
  • View modes, which I feel are underused
  • Masonry modules to allow for the reflowing layout

Equiem/@rialto - Digital strategy for a building

The basic premise of the project was giving a way that their buildings could offer ‘something else’ to stand out from the crowd of other office buildings in the city. Retaining tenants through community and bridging disconnect. Not really anything similar at the time, a useful tool for others.

Features include:

  • Loyalty club
  • Time of day based promotions
  • Reseller functionality
  • Items that are available now, multiple retailers.
  • Skill sharing
  • News

All carried out with a variety of contributed modules and customisation, perhaps to be revisited another time.
