NetSquared meetup Aug 2013

NetSquared meetup Aug 2013

One of the things that frustrates me the most in the non profit sector is the lack of collaboration between organisations and the duplication that often occurs instead.

Sophie Bartho from One dollar day explained her idea for helping Fundraising by for one day encouraging people to give one dollar to charity (in this case, Save the children). The organisation got to a point where they couldn’t do all the work they wanted to undertake and didn’t want to clutter the already cluttered landscape more.

She outlined that the process of joining groups hasn’t been easy combating brands, egos, agendas, mission creep, governance and slices of pie, requiring revisiting why were doing it and what we were trying to achieve time and time again.

Sophie then shared her personal beliefs that were very insightful, but I couldn’t get them all down fast enough, so keep an eye on the event page for a forthcoming video -