Drupal Melbourne meetup, Aug 13th 2013

Drupal Melbourne meetup, Aug 13th 2013

Three presentations tonight, followed by usual natters at the lovely Last Jar afterwards.


WF tools FTW - Dave Hall

WF tools are about improving the Drupal deployment workflow. After having done a Drupal devops talks myself recently, I know Drupal already possess better tools than most CMSs, but that doesn’t stop developers from constantly trying to improve them. Enough from me, just watch Dave as this was presented through a Google Hangout and thus recorded to YouTube. Looks very helpful for syndication to.


Rick de beor - building maps in Drupal

There are many map modules in Drupal, so which one is best? Start with the requirements you really need and features needed and try to stick to them. Sometimes you even need a map to navigate the map options. Start your journey with this discussion post that was the base of Rick’s talk.


Simon Hobbs - creating ctools plugins

Panels is a common Drupal module used to layout your site or pages visually. Ctools is the underlying framework that it and several other modules uses. Simons presentation was a discussion on how to create the different types of plugins that can be plugged in to ctools to extend panels functionality. These plugins will help aid the content creators work by creating custom functionality that they will regularly use for their work and simplify their workflow.


Other items I bookmarked thanks to discussions at the session: