London Civicon 2011

London Civicon 2011

At the time of writing this website isn’t quite finished and maybe you can’t quite tell that I love civicrm. I won’t go into too much detail of why and what it is now, best you do a bit of searching and find that out for yourself.

Sadly I couldn’t really spare the money or time to go to londons drupalcon, despite being in town at the time, but fortunately, running along side was the one day civicon, dedicated to civicrm. Here’s my thoughts on the conference…

I attended sessions on civiengage, civicase, Ajax and civicrm, a mobile interface for civicrm, civicrm’s API and a little bit more. The mobile session was the highlight, showcasing the beginnings of an amazing simple mobile interface that would be perfect for event registrations, face to face signups and many other applications. Personally I would have liked a few more intermediate sessions, but the balance of beginner and advanced sessions allowed for a really good mix of developers, users and systems admins in attendees. It was also fantastic to hear so many different accents and see a reasonable gender balance.

Civicon was a testament to the users of civicrm itself and the communities of people that use and develop for it. Primarily a system used by the community and not-for-profit sectors the attendees and speakers were very representative of this and thus were able to talk at a relevant level and cover topics that the vast majority would be interested in and would be applicable.

I left feeling excited, keen to be involved more and keen to explore the enormous potential of civicrm more.