Derelict London - Paul Talling

Derelict London - Paul Talling

I find this small collection of images documenting London’s derelict underbelly appealing for two reasons. I know the author from his days as an Indie label ‘boss’ and the fact that he turned to a successful sideline in snapping pictures of abandoned buildings is fascinating. Secondly a lot of the subjects within the book are familiar to me, sometimes in the same state as within the book and sometimes in their previous non-dilapidated state.

My own connections aside this is a great little book of fascinating images of abandoned buildings, wasteland and other images of London’s abandoned side. The (small) physical size of the book makes some of the images annoyingly small when really this should be a coffee table sized book, but that’s more than likely a Publishers decision.

The descriptions accompanying each photo give an insight into the mind of the author, full of references to London football teams and amusing anecdotes to reveal a side of London that you either didn’t know about or much like the subjects, had forgotten about.