Where to Ride - Book Review

Where to Ride - Book Review

It’s hard to effectively review a guide to cycle paths in South East Queensland when you’re stuck in Melbourne with no chance of attempting them anytime soon. The guide produced by Bicycling Australia is exceptionally well produced and thought out with ring bound easy to clean laminated pages for those journeys where your hands spend more time fiddling with oily parts than on the handlebars. There are 47 rides spread across Brisbane, the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast to keep you busy for many months to come, all with detailed guides to road surfaces, terrain types, distances and a difficulty rating.

Each ride is well documented, rated and illustrated with guides to local facilities and features including the distance between significant points on the route, the steepness of any uphill (or downhill) struggles. Routes are fully explained detailing landmarks, directions and anecdotes to guide you along your pedal powered way. It’s evident that the writers of the guide have fully researched each route carefully noting anything that might be of interest or of use to any budding cyclist. A notes section at the back of this conveniently sized tome tops off the near perfect package, I only wished I had the opportunity to attempt some of them!

Published in Aduki