Rocket Science - The East Brunswick Club

Rocket Science - The East Brunswick Club

Sailors and Swines show little care that they are first act on the bill tonight, playing to a half full room of waifs and strays. Their blend of edgy, disjointed, noisy angst ridden rock grabs your attention and hits you right between the eyes like a brightly coloured brick. Some of the band’s material is a little samey but they are young, new, fresh, exciting and perform the audience wake up role admirably.I Heart Hiroshima posses that care free attitude so common in bands from Queensland, they saunter on to stage, fiddle around a bit, start with no sort of introductions and progress through their set like they were just hanging out in your front room on a summer evening. The songs are bright, generally cheery and brimming with sparse arrangements of catchy melodies and deliciously captivating contrasting harmonies. A fair chunk of the crowd have turned up for I Heart Hiroshima and are joyfully jumping in front of the stage, shouting eager calls of support and praise for a band they all embrace with wide open arms.The problem for any older, mature and well-established band in booking such young and vibrant supports is then living up to the standard and energy just set. Rocket Science, recently received back into the Melbourne Music scene with a welcoming smile and a firm handshake, give it a good go, but don’t quite make it. Maybe it’s tiredness after a nationwide tour, maybe it’s complacency after such an easy career reestablishment, or maybe it’s just because their fans are now teetering on the edge of an age where they don’t dance anymore. Whatever it is, something doesn’t feel quite right, it feels as if the infamously boisterous front man, Roman, is going through the motions somewhat and not quite feeling the motivation behind what he’s doing, whilst the rest of the band barely move, rooted to the spot for most of the set. Presence aside the band still firmly retain the solid and fat Rock sound they are renowned for, pushing out countless and relentless riffs, licks and slick chords. It’s unclear from the audience response and overheard comments if the crowd are glad the band are back and a going concern, or are just pleased to hear a few old favourites they grew up with, but we all hope that Rocket Science keep packing out venues around the land whilst fans make their minds up.

Published in Inpress