The Prester Quest - Nicholas Jubber

The Prester Quest - Nicholas Jubber

The prester quest is a story of two men’s present day retracing of a journey from Italy to Ethiopia made by a Papal Emissary in 1177. His mission to deliver a letter to a supposedly (and widely believed to be) real King of a fantastical Christian land in the heart of Islamic lands. I read a similar ‘retracing the steps’ book (Victoria Clarks, The Wayfarers) about a year ago, which was an amazing read, so this book had a lot to live up to. It starts slowly and doesn’t really get going until about a quarter of a way through the book, the author’s slightly facetious tone initially rather annoying and patronizing. However once the plot and journey kicks in the book is a gripping read full of interesting facts, observations and experiences from History and their eventful journey across several countries, continents and cultures.

Help me make a few cents, and order a copy here.