Various - Out of the woods and trees

Various - Out of the woods and trees

It can’t have escaped many people in the world’s attention that the North of England has been producing a tremendous amount of popular and fashionable music over the past two years. Led by the success of bands like Kaiser Chiefs and Maximo Park, a lot of sound-a-likes spawned, creating a glut of poor imitators and glory chasers and often those who didn’t sound anything like any of the glory stories were left by the wayside. The Dance to The Radio label led by Forward Russia and The Pigeon Detectives has been a mainstay of the ‘Northern music scene’, showcasing some of the smaller acts from the region and Out of the Woods and Trees is the labels fourth compilation, weighing in at 20 tracks. Some do sound a lot like what’s come before, and sadly, what you almost expect from Northern England (Angular guitars and disco beats), but there are a few gems lurking on the compilation including the likes of The Taste, You Slut! and Grammatics. Possibly the ‘scene’s’ time is now over, but judging by this compilation there’s still the usual amount of great bands plying their trade, and undoubtedly they couldn’t care less if anyone’s paying any attention.

Published in Arcady,