Sly Hats - Interview

Sly Hats - Interview

Geoff O’Conner is one of a multitude of Melbournian musicians with a penchant for side projects, his band ‘Crayon Fields’ already has several tours and releases under his belt, and now his solo persona ‘Sly Hats’ is rapidly catching up recently returning from a two month world tour with fellow songwriter ‘Guy Blackman’. I caught up with a nervous Geoff and over cups of herbal tea we discussed Music, Melbourne (and sadly after the recorder was switched off and he finally relaxed) and the ways of the World.

Why did you decide to start the Sly Hats side project?
I wanted a project were I was independent of other people so I could work on my own arrangements, mainly to prevent me from being unpleasant to them, insisting on things being a particular way.

There seems to be a real love in Melbourne / Australia for side projects. Do you think there’s a reason for this, are artists hedging their bets for a shot at the ‘big time’?
I think people in Australia have more leisure time than those in America or the UK as the cost of living is a lot lower. Most musicians here only have part time jobs, and if you’re (say) playing in four bands, you have a lot of cheap nights, free drinks and hopefully travel paid for. With a lot of musicians in Australia there’s a non-committal attitude, not many want to take things too seriously, as a rule you’re not supposed to take music seriously in Australia so you spread yourself across many projects and outlets because you might as well.

Are you working?
Not at the moment, but generally I do, a lit bit of this and that. At the moment I’m on the dole, which is a new and guilty experience for me, It’s too much money for me! I can’t understand what people need it for, I feel like I should be paying some of it back.

How do you recreate the album live?
I have a nine-piece band. Which is kind of ridiculous, to start a solo project and end up with a band twice the size of your other band.

But they do what you tell them?

A lot of your music seems fairly laid back and dreamy, are you a relaxed person?
In some ways I am, but I’m also anxious to ensure that I’m productive every day. I’ll be laid back and then by 3pm feel a necessity to do something to satisfy my creative side, record something, or read, write or see something that I enjoy, I like to ensure that my artistic side has been satisfied, even in a superficial way.

What do write about?
Usually romantic things, actual life events with a fantasy element, where I’m a little less awkward and they’re more interested, I find it the most direct and easy subject to write about.

What are your experiences of playing abroad? Where have you been?
The last tour went to Denmark, Japan, England, America?
Japan was interesting, the audiences were so respectful, and you don’t feel like your playing to make money for the bar or competing with a DJ.
Sweden’s encore call was interesting, they start one rhythmic clap, it was awkward, you sometimes don’t really want to perform an encore, but you have no choice in a situation like that.

How did you organise those?
I didn’t really, I’m very disorganised, it was mainly organised by Guy Blackman, all the same lengthy two month tour.

How’s the current album going?
We’re onto a second pressing, this time with a new EP attached, and I’m starting a second album in a few months.

That’s very prolific!
Yeah, but saying that, who knows what I’ll end up doing. I’m not keen on trying to be prolific, if it happens it happens, if it doesn’t then it doesn’t matter.

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Published in Arcady,