Films, TV and Warehouse Parties

Films, TV and Warehouse Parties

Once again, I’ve let personal posts lapse to the point where I’ve forgotten when I last posted one and what I said…

So, I’ll just catch up with a few random bits and pieces in no particular order and try again…

Take a look at this Trailer for Morgan Sperluck’s new film, “What would Jesus Buy?”, looks pretty interesting, and another indication that America is truly mental place…

Hmm, well, the Antescene Extravaganza was very successful, with around 300 attendees, and a fine from the Police which will ensure it is enshrined in history… There were some odd repercussions from the event, I’ve been offered to promote nights at a couple of venues and a student interviewed me for a thesis on the changing scene in Melbourne…

Macaca Mulatta have had some label and management interest, which is great, and we’re off to start recording our album this Sunday, very excited! I also did a few new solo recordings which will be out in due course.

Cate and I have set a date for the wedding, 4th October 2008, kind of scary and kind of nice…

I got a new computer, a nice shiny intel iMac with os 10.5, it’s so nice to have a big screen! Having a few teething problems, but pretty good so far…

We went to see Control, which I thought was an excellent film, the muso geek in me wanted to see more about the band, but that wasn’t really what the film was about! A lot of the cast looked familiar without me quite figuring out who they were, probably Bill extras or something. Overall, it was very well shot and, speaking from personal experience, it’s was a pretty accurate representation of life on the road.

I’ve recently become obsessed with Spooks, I’ve not really been this keen on a TV series before, Cate lent me series one and I watched it in a week, and now I’m half way through series two, it’s not quite as good, but still great fun. Is it believable? Who knows, but it’s fun and just the slightest bit scary to think it might be…

Ah, that will do for now, I had more to say, but I forgot to say it and now the feeling has gone, so I’ll keep this short and dull for now.

Chinch xx

PS. If you’re in Melbourne, enjoy the Holiday today x