12th September 2007

12th September 2007

The feelings of frustration and slight depression abated this week, maybe it was a lunar thing, there was an eclipse here last week, and maybe a seasonal thing, who knows…

This week was a good week, and a very busy week…

I landed a contract to make a DVD, quite lucrative, but it took up a lot of time, throwing my weekly routine into confusion, which was a good and a bad thing really…

Monday, Cate and I took the day off to look into visas and flights, the upshot of it all is that we will be in the UK / Europe around early January to Early February, and because for me to get a work visa would have been such an insanely complicated process we’ve actually decided that the easiest way for us to be able to stay together is to get engaged… So, theoretically, well, no, in reality, but maybe just sort of on paper (it’s all a bit odd) we’re engaged… It’s kind of a shame that you have to do something so antiquated to enable people to stay together, but if that’s what’s needed… I think our plan is to stay in oz for about another year and then head back to Europe anyway, so Cate gets an EU passport as well… Looking at it all purely coldly and practically that is.

In other news, Macaca Mulatta’s album recording was postponed, because our drummer broke his foot, this coupled with him also losing or quitting his job (not quite sure which) means he’s not had a very good week… It’s funny a similar thing happened to Mike when Art Brut first recorded, and due to it being postponed we ended up meeting the infamous Keith TOTP, it’s funny how these things sometimes work out… We possibly have a title for the album though…

Hmm, what else… Went to some interesting talks on Wednesday, one with the group of retired journalists and assorted other dignitaries that I may have mentioned before, basically once a month they all get together for a Chinese meal and have a (usually fairly high profile) speaker. This month was someone who’s name escapes me delivering a very interesting speech on Australia growing water problems… Then in the evening Cate and I went to a talk on Carbon trading, so all in all a most ponder worthy day.

Thursday I got very drunk with team Chris (Chris x 4, 2 male and 2 female) on three pints, the shame!

I also finally finished Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco, it takes me a long time to finish books at the moment because I don’t spend a lot of time on Public Transport… It was very good, a bit of padding here and there that could have been quite easily shed without losing the plot, without spoiling it, the twist in the end is sort of expected but done well, you initially feel frustrated and disappointed by it, then after a moments reflection it’s actually quite satisfying.

Chinch out xxx