Updates from Melbourne

Updates from Melbourne

It’s been a while, I’ve moved countries, got a new band together, got my feet under the table and now it’s time to tell everyone what’s been going on.

Macaca Mulatta

My current band has a new line up, new songs, new shows, new photos, new live videos, new logos and a new website, we’re off into the studio to record our debut album in September and have been going down a storm all over Melbourne. Any of you sending bands out here, please consider the band for support slots.

Drop by www.macacamulatta.com or www.myspace.com/macacamulatta to watch the new videos and find out more…


After two more Warehouse parties in Melbourne, Antescene is hosting an ‘extravaganza’ in October, with live music and a whole lot more. Our biggest news is that Antescene is going on tour, taking some of the hottest new bands around the country (and indeed the World) and playing absolutely anywhere and anytime that’s offered, making it just about the music…

Read the full press release at www.antescene.com

Music Writing

I’ve been freelancing for quite a few publications whilst I’ve been in Australia, producing live and recorded reviews as well as features and interviews, as always you can read everything I ever write on www.chinchilla-music.co.uk and head over to www.indieoma.com to read my regular posts for them.

Below The Surface

The popular podcast has not had a new instalment for a while, mainly because we’ve been to damn busy, but now has a news feed that can be embedded on your website.

Take a look at www.belowthesurface.info for instructions

That’s it for now, lots of bits and pieces for you all to hopefully look at, any feedback and updates to what you’ve been up to are welcome

Chinch xxx