My First Melbourne Community Cup

My First Melbourne Community Cup

God knows when I last posted a personal post here, no reason why, just been stupidly busy, haven’t been enough hours in the day…

So, here’s a few things I’ve been up to, might be repeating myself…

Ages ago for Cate and I’s birthday we went on the Melbourne chocolate tour, lots of scrummy chocolate all over the city, here’s some fuzzy photos…

Then we had a party, which was pretty cool, it was combined with two friends, so loads of random people turned up and there were the usual groups you get at parties, the anti socials who hang out by the stereo and bitch about everybody, those who never leave the kitchen, those who hang out in the garden even if they’re not smokers… Anyway, more fuzzy photos](

Err, a few weekends ago we went to the Community cup, which is an annual footie match (AFL) between two Melbourne Radio stations and the staff of a venue. It’s not about professionalism, mainly about fun, booze, streakers and dogs pooing on the ground… More photos here!

Then, a few weeks ago I was an extra on a small film, I played the violin in a string quartette. it was a pretty boring and unoriginal film, about some sort of war time intrigue… It was supposed to take place in England but I was the only English person and had no lines, the stars kept asking me for accent advice… It was an experience, here’s some more fuzzy photos

What else?

Well, band going really well, loads of great gigs coming up and some press to, have a look for some new photos of us all looking completely insane..

Got a teaching job, have to prepare about 45 hours of teaching material that I could cover in about 10 hours, so that’ll be a challenge and some more interviews…

Dunno really, so much going on, but I forget what it all is, projects and bits of work here and there, enough to keep me ticking over… Once I’ve dug out all my photos and got them online I can attach the stories and tell you all more…

If you want to know of course…

Chinch xx