Music Review Catch Up

Music Review Catch Up

Been rather lame with blog posts recently, you see I’m know self-employed, so not only do I have work to do, but when I don’t, I have to look for work… On top of all that I’m arranging my trip to Australia…

Also, I haven’t posted many articles or reviews recently, because I finally have a paid writing job which is taking up most of my time, now it’s finally launched I’ll start telling you about some of the stuff I’m posting there, more of that later…

Firstly a few news titbits that caught my eye…

New Chart Rules

Armed Cop Challenge

Dolphin Attack!

And this is very interesting…

I took a trip to the Museum of London and think I might have found the roots of the North / South divide in country and London Terms, I was going to post photos, but they didn’t come out very well…

In the museum is a map of Roman Briton, South England is called “Britannia Superior”, North England “Britannia Inferior”…
As for London, it seems that in times gone past the City, i.e. the North, built a wall round itself, to protect itself from invaders, no thought for the south though…

Big Brother : Not something I’d often talk about, but I gather some fellah from The Towers of London is in it this time, I wonder if their career will experience the same turnaround the Ordinary Boys did? It may intrigue you to know that both bands share the same press company… And that some time ago I spoke to Preston, after the second album had been released but pre-BB, and he confided in me that he had no idea what was in store for them, the second album, not being that well received…

Now, me and the Macaca Boys have been recording of late, we should have some results very soon… It was an odd process, a little bitty and isolated from each other, but that was the same way we did the Art Brut album and that came out OK…

OK then, now it’s finally sort of on the way… Well it’s in Beta stages, but go and have a look and submit suggestions for improvements, here’s the site I’ve been writing for of late :

At the moment it just has articles from my Australia music special, but very soon it will have stuff on : Antifolk, The Hot Puppies, The Answer, Bass Clef, Billy Ruffian, Brinkman, Dead Disco, The Mighty Roars, The Pipettes, Simon Breed, Twisterbait, Nosferatu D2, Blah blah blah, Rose Kemp, 28 Costumes, Billy Brag, The Indelicates, Alpha Saloon, Ashok, The Hedrons, Passenger, Voicst, The Wednesday Society, Natsuo Chiyoda, Some Velvet Morning, Summer Holiday, Dan Sartain, Indigo Moss and more…

Unfortunately I can’t post the articles here, but I am slowly catching up with all the other reviews I’ve written, and will get them up soon…

Chinch out xx