Kate Myers - The Blanket Sky

Kate Myers - The Blanket Sky

On the few dates I caught Kate live I found her absolutely enchanting and I can’t even say exactly why. I think I’m a sucker for that sort of artist who quietly slinks onto a stage with no sort of presence whatsoever, an almost apologetic charm, and as soon as they start to sing the room stops to watch what is going on. Her voice is smooth but with rough overtones, most likely a natural talent with no training and whilst her guitar lines are simple and fairly similar across songs they compliment her voice brilliantly and succinctly. On album you lose the presence that comes from seeing her in the flesh, but you can still hear the strength of the song writing and the inherent beauty of her music. It won’t suit everybody, it’s very American (something that normally puts me off) in style, sound and lyrical content, but give a few tracks a listen and try to catch Kate live, then maybe you might see what I mean.


Published in Maps Magazine