The Television personalities - The Barfly

I have a rule, I always give bands 3 songs before I decide whether to stay or not, I have been to a lot of the gigs, and this was the first time I have ever walked out before the 3 song limit. I didn’t get it, was I missing something? The band took ages to set up, then sounded like a 6th form Punk band learning to play with each other. As I left I heard people asking for their money back and others telling them ‘Oh, give him (Dan Treacy) a chance, he’s had a hard time… That may be true, but if you’re going to be so bad, don’t charge punters upwards of £6 for the privilege, and even the rest of the band were out of time with each other, no one looked like they knew what was going on, it was painful, embarrassing and uncomfortable.