Ladyfuzz - Kerfuffle

Ladyfuzz’s press releases don’t say much, they let the music tell you everything you need to know. Kerfuffle sounds like the band listened to all the hip and cool music from the past year, rolled it all into one and made something that sounded a thousand times better than any of the sub standard, carbon copy angular guitars, pseudo disco beat claptrap rip off bands doing the rounds. Their beats are original and boom and throb, the guitars are sharp, the bass heavy and rumbling, the vocals in their clipped heavily accented English (and at times in Austrian / German) complimenting the music perfectly. At times the music is so tight and precise you wonder if it’s all been programmed by computer, but you know what, who cares! Kerfuffle is an excellent album, an overdue breath of fresh air to blow out the dull and lifeless cobwebs.
Published in Unpublished