Workswell review

Drawwell is a stripped down version of Workswell, so lets take a quick look at it’s feature first and then focus on the extras in Workswell. Drawwell is a vector based illustration and DTP application, providing a vast array of easy to create objects from squares to shape bursts and doughnuts. All are easily modifiable through an inspector panel where you can set position, size, colours and textual content. Drawwell is Cocoa based, so you get all the features associated with OS X native applications such as font and colour picker panels. Layers are available in Drawwell, as supposedly is transparency but I couldn’t seem to find any in implementation of this. Workswell is fairly similar, but adds some extra merge features and drawing objects. The merging features are extensive to say the least, mainly offering integration with iApps such as iTunes and iPhoto (May be more support to come?). Within several clicks detailed documents can be created based on photo or music libraries including all information from EXIF and ID3 data such as contact sheets and CD inlays. Along with the support for iApp libraries logical comparisons, incremental values and sorting (among other things) can also be used in merge features. Support for iApps aside, there are other potential uses for Workswells feature set such as numbered tickets and graphs, all based around clear vector graphics.
The interface and planning behind the program is excellent, its powerful features are easy to understand and perform with only brief reference to the documentation and sample files. The application is primarily designed for print output, a refreshing change in today’s trend for web based programs, however there is also an opportunity to create basic on screen presentations from documents.
Workswell / Drawwell are applications for people with specific needs, and will only appeal to a minority market, but for the price and the high level of programming poured into their creation they are an excellent set of tools and I look forward to seeing future revisions of the software.
Published in MacHome magazine (US)